HERE I AM. the basics.
Shortly after conceiving my son at the age of 20 I had a life changing lucid dreaming experience. This dreamtime journey MARKED THE END OF AN OLD WAY OF LIFE & INITIATED ME, it supported me to receive my pregnancy & baby as the highest vibrational path forward. Ever since I've had the ability to vividly recall my dreams. The dreamtime is now a vast and potent landscape for my souls evolution, healing, and offerings~
I am a seeker of life’s deeper truths.
I'm a Visionary.
I dwell in the realms of creation and creativity. I live with a foot in both worlds; the seen and the unseen.
I communicate with souls in the higher realms and I have the ability to "see" into the past as well as the future, here and now.
I love going on solo missions, I love the woman I’ve become, and in that I am one of my best friends.
I’m a Scorpio Sun
Scorpio Rising &
Leo Moon.
I honor the wild woman wisdom within~
Sound HEALS me. Music is my Medicine.
Play unlocks my creativity.
Interestingly, I have the majority of my breakthroughs while either making the bed in the morning or spending time in water.
Kauai is my spirit home. Ecstatic jungle dance is one of my favorite forms of going to church & LOVE IS MY RELIGION~
I'M HERE to help others Remember, Reclaim, Transform, & Heal~
I am profoundly humbled and honored to assist birthing women as a mentor, doula, sister, auntie, and mother.
My passion for birth and midwifery revealed itself to me as I transcended the physical pain of labor and ecstatically delivered my first child with a kind of clarity and understanding that SHOOK ME AWAKE~ & yet... the idea of giving birth as a young woman scared me more then anything in the world.
One of the most beautiful, cosmic filled births I’ve attended took place in an operating room. The mother had an epidural and the baby was born with forceps. It was a vaginal breech delivery. Every angel on duty was present; it was simply stunning~ In that moment I was changed. My heart began to understand at a deeper level how each birth regardless of outcome is sacred.
Mothering has got to be THE MOST Spiritual, Challenging, Beautiful, and Rewarding experience of my life.
My mother is a very WISE WOMAN. She’s the mother of 6 and is one of the most enlightened people I know.
I consciously choose to be monogamous.
Sacred Sexuality is a must.
My spirit and gifts blossom within the sacred container of a devoted union.
I aim to create win-wins. I value integrity and honesty and I show up with vulnerability and authenticity to the best of my ability in all my relationships.
I believe in Magic.
Dolphins and Whales visit me in my dreams often and I make spending time with them in the wild a priority. They've asked me to be a bridge between their wisdom and frequencies on the planet at this time and the starseeds coming in by working with soon to be mothers and fathers.
I've mediated while sitting in a whale’s pelvis. It was absolutely amazing~ It makes me giggle just thinking about it.
I've found that having mentors and guides is an ESSENTIAL component of my personal ascension journey.
Amma. Jesus. The Buddha. Mother Mary. Mary Magdalene. Ilchi Lee. Quan Yin. Isis. Hathor. Sekhmet. Malidoma Some. Martin Prechtel, and many others have deeply touched and influenced my life.
Ritual is absolutely necessary and extremely important.
I love being in a sweat lodge, submerged deep in mother earth’s womb.
Sitting with the fire is one of my favorite ways to cleanse and PURIFY.
Singing to the Oceans, Rivers, and Lakes brings me joy.
My dearest soul allies are those whom I really love to pray with. Those whose prayers ignite the deepest sense of sincerity, reverence, thoughtfulness, humility, and divine royalty.
Along my path I've learned to leave room for the Mystery.
I recognize each moment as a miracle
& I cry in awe over this regularly.
I have witnessed time and time again how my thoughts and words create my reality. I am learning how to choose them wisely.
I ground several times a day.
Through my journey unfolding I've come to understand my body's ecology and needs. As within so without.
I see this earth resilient and thriving and I do my best to make contributions to this vision everyday, in every way I can. May it be so.
Health, Harmony, and Happiness are our inherent birthrights.
From My Perspective:
The earth is a living, breathing, conscious being.
Menstruation is sacred holy feminine power.
Fairy's, Extraterrestrials, Unicorns, etc. are real.
Babies are conscious pre-conception onward.
In each moment we are born anew.
In essence, we are not our thoughts, emotion, or bodies.
What humans fear most is our light.
The Past, Present, and Future is HERE NOW~
Time is Spherical.
& The Truth with a Capitol T reveals itself to those who seek.